All Episodes
Displaying 1 - 17 of 17 in total
Sister Cecilia of The Religious of the Assumption
Today I was blessed to be joined by Sister Cecilia of the Religious of the Assumption. We recorded in their convent in West Philadelphia.

Fr Scott Reilly of the Legionaries of Christ (In Collaboration with Malvern Retreat House)
In this episode we are joined by Father Scott Reilly of the Legionaries of Christ. Father Reilly was kind enough to bless us with his vocation story

Fr Stephen Delacy Vicar of Faith Formation with Youth and Young Adult of the Archdiocese of Philadelphia (in Collaboration with Malvern Retreat Center)
In our first show from Malvern Retreat House we had the gift of hearing the vocation story of Fr Stephen Delacy

Fr Roger Landry Chaplin of Colombia University (In Collaboration with Malvern Retreat House)
In this episode we are joined by Father Roger Landry the Chaplin of Colombia University

Sister Arpitha Chakkamakal of The Sisters of the Imitation of Christ
Sister Arptiha tells us her vocation story from her convent in Elkins Park Pa.

Sister Jocelyn Edathil of The Sisters of the Imitation of Christ
Today we are joined by Sister Jocelyn Edathil of the Sisters of the Imitation of Christ in her convent in Elkins Park Pa. Sister shares her journey into the religious ...

Sister Therese of The Religious of the Assumption France (recorded in Paris)
I sit down with Sister Terese of The Religious of The Assumption to hear her vocation story.

Sister Leela of The Religious of The Assumption India. (recorded in Paris)
We sit down with Sister Leela of The Religious of the Assumption in Paris to hear her vocation story.

Sister Marie Thu of The Religious of The Assumption Vietnam (recorded in Paris)
Sister Thu sits down with us to tell us her vocation story.

Sister Clare of The Religious of the Assumption
Sister Clare was kind enough to sit with me and share her vocation story in Paris. Sister Clare was the reason I was invited to Paris, we met in Philadelphia and have ...

Sisters Christine(Rwanda) and Paula Victoria(Phillipines) of The Religious of the Assumption (recorded in Paris)
On location still in Paris at the convent of The Religious of the Assumption we hear the vocation stories of Sisters Christine and Paula Victoria.

Sister Veena of The Religious of the Assumption in India (recorded in Paris)
In this episode we hear from Sister Veena. Sister works with the poorest of the poor in India helping them to regain their hope through education and love.

Sister Laure Homberg of The Religious of the Assumption (recorded live in Paris)
The Religious of the Assumption were kind enough to have me stay at their convent in Paris for a week and Sister Laure was the first who agreed to record her vocation ...

Fr Joseph Voutaz (On location in Leeds Switzerland)
We had the blessing of sitting down with Fr Joseph in one of the parishes he serves in the beautiful country of Switzerland. Father both grew up surrounded by these br...

Sister of Life Gemma Grace Marie
Sister Gemma, a Sister or Life in our Philadelphia Archdiocese joins us to tell us how she came to the religious life.

Sister Mary Eileen of The Parish Visitors of Mary Immaculate
We are joined today by Sister Mary Eileen of the Parish Visitors of Mary Immaculate. She was kind enough to not only share her vocation story with us but also share a ...

Mother Maria Catherine of The Parish Visitors of Mary Immaculate
For our first episode we were blessed to have Mother Maria Catherine of The Parish Visitors of Mary Immaculate join us to share her vocation story. It was an amazing j...